"Fundamentalnaya i Prikladnaya Matematika"
("Fundamental and Applied Mathematics")

Volume 6 (2000), Number 2

Research Papers

B. G. Averbuh
Number systems in Abelian topological groups 319-356
V. F. Borisov
On two-dimensional integral varieties of a class of discontinuous Hamiltonian systems 357-377
Yu. N. Bratkov
On the existence of the classical solution of the hyperbolic Monge--Ampere equation on the whole 379-390
N. A. Dobrynin
Free partially commutative Lie superalgebras: dimensions of homogeneous components 391-399
V. V. Dontsov
The systoles of uniform lattices on a three-dimensional Heisenberg group with a Carnot--Carathéodory metric 401-432
V. L. Kovalev, A. A. Krupnov
Some details of modeling of heat transfer with catalytic surfaces in the re-enter atmosphere problem 433-439
A. M. Kytmanov, I. A. Tsikh
On the removability of singularities of CR-functions given on hypersurface 441-454
S. V. Ludkovsky
Non-Archimedean polyhedra decompositions of ultrauniform spaces 455-475
V. O. Manturov
On closedness of curves with periodic curvature 477-483
O. P. Naumov
On Poisson--Abel method of summing up Fourier series with respect to multiplicative systems 485-500
A. N. Oleksenko
The basis of identities of the matrix algebra of the second order over Zp2 501-531
D. A. Pavlov, A. P. Serych
Modified classification algorithm of k-nearest neighbor type 533-548
M. E. Rychago
On the homogenization of some nonlinear variational problems 549-563
T. Y. Semenova
On some maximal operators, connected with the operation of convolution 565-581
H. A. Smirnova (Bitner)
Analytical form of the Eratosthenes sieve 583-597
M. A. Turmanov
Some properties of purity in Abelian groups 599-606
I. R. Khanina
A necessary condition of co-length finiteness of Lie algebra variety in the case of zero-characteristic field 607-616
L. K. Bakalinsky
Periodic trajectories in a Denjoy counterexample 617-620
V. V. Dubrovsky, A. S. Velikikh
Inverse problem for an ordinary differential operator on Lp (p > 2) 621-626
M. R. Pentus
Atomic theories of residuated semigroup families 627-632
J. B. Tabov
Initial value problems for the Fermi--Pasta--Ulam equation 633-635

All articles are published in Russian.

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Location: http://mech.math.msu.su/~fpm/eng/k00/k002/
Last modified: September 1, 2000