"Fundamentalnaya i Prikladnaya Matematika"
("Fundamental and Applied Mathematics")

Volume 11 (2005), Number 4

Proceedings of the International Conference
"Geometric Topology, Discrete Geometry, and Set Theory"
dedicated to the centenary of Professor L. V. Keldysh
(Moscow, August 24--28, 2004)
Part 1

S. M. Ageev
Nonpolyhedral proof of the Michael finite-dimensional selection theorem 3-22
V. V. Vershinin
On presentations of generalizations of braids with few generators 23-32
A. Yu. Volovikov
The genus of G-spaces and topological lower bounds for chromatic numbers of hypergraphs 33-48
D. A. Vorotnikov, V. G. Zvyagin
On the convergence of solutions of regularized problem for motion equations of Jeffreys viscoelastic medium to solutions of the original problem 49-63
Yu. E. Gliklikh, P. S. Zykov
On the two-point boundary-value problem for equations of geodesics 65-70
A. Cavicchioli, D. Repovš, T. L. Thickstun
Geometric topology of generalized 3-manifolds 71-84
R. Campoamor-Stursberg
Solvable Lie algebras, products by generators, and some of its applications 85-94
M. Cárdenas, F. F. Lasheras, A. Quintero
Properly 3-realizable groups 95-103
I. G. Korepanov
Geometry of Euclidean tetrahedra and knot invariants 105-117
J. S. Calcut
Knot theory and the Casson invariant in Artin presentation theory 119-126
V. O. Manturov
The Khovanov complex for virtual links 127-152
Yu. V. Muranov, R. Jimenez
Structure sets of triples of manifolds 153-172
A. A. Perfilyev
Degree-one maps of Seifert manifolds into the Poincaré homology sphere 173-183
A. Prishlyak
Complete topological invariants of Morse--Smale flows and handle decompositions of 3-manifolds 185-196
E. A. Sbrodova
The algorithm of finding planar surfaces in three-manifolds 197-202
T.-M. Tang
Wild tiles in R3 with spherical boundaries 203-211
I. Farah
Reductions between meager ideals 213-219
F. Hegenbarth, D. Repovš
Solving four-dimensional surgery problems using controlled theory 221-236
A. P. Šostak
On multivalued topologies on L-powersets of multivalued sets 237-247

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Last modified: November 28, 2005