"Fundamentalnaya i Prikladnaya Matematika"
("Fundamental and Applied Mathematics")

Volume 16 (2010), Number 1

Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference
"Laptev seminar--2009"
devoted to the 100th anniversary of G. F. Laptev
(Russia, Moscow--Tver, August 25--28, 2009)
Part 1

A. M. Akivis
Projective analog of Egorov transformation 3-12
M. A. Akivis, A. M. Shelekhov
Cartan--Laptev method in the theory of multidimensional three-webs 13-38
T. G. Alenina
Geometry of dual spaces of affine-metric connection 39-45
I. Hinterleitner, J. Mikeš
Projective equivalence and manifolds with equiaffine connection 47-54
L. E. Evtushik, O. M. Omelyan
A category-theoretic approach extending the notion of connection in a natural way, and its application to the geometry of differential systems 55-63
V. V. Zabrodin
4-webs on hypersurfaces of 4-axial space 65-79
A. G. Kushner
r-tuple almost product structures 81-93
V. B. Lazareva
Classification of regular circle three-webs up to circular transformations 95-107
V. I. Panzhensky, O. V. Sukhova
Maximally movable spaces of Finsler type and their generalization 109-119
L. M. Pidzhakova
Three-webs with covariantly constant curvature and torsion tensors 121-133
A. K. Rybnikov
Bäcklund maps and Lie--Bäcklund transformations as differential-geometric structures 135-150
G. G. Ryabov
Hausdorff metric on faces of the n-cube 151-155
G. A. Tolstikhina
Differential-geometric structures on generalized Reidemeister and Bol three-webs 157-169
G. S. Sharov, A. E. Milovidov
String world surfaces in spaces with compact factor-manifolds 171-177
M. A. Shestakova
On one class of three-webs with partially symmetric curvature tensor 179-188

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Location: http://mech.math.msu.su/~fpm/eng/k10/k101/
Last modified: March 11, 2011